
By Peggy Thompson, Junior Church Teacher, Victory Baptist Church, Bloomsburg

As Thanksgiving Day approaches, I think about all the wonderful things that we say we are thankful for. Some say they are thankful for friends and family. Others say for good health and a good job. The list could go on and on. All the things we are thankful for are important to us.

I thought my list was quite complete until the year 1985 when a preacher explained to me how I could know for sure that I was going to Heaven one day for all eternity. What a wonderful year that was! For I was at a point in my life where I did not think about Heaven or God or even being thankful to God. Sure, I was grateful for my family and friends, but I didn’t have a sense of to whom I was grateful. I never gave that part a thought.

Thanksgiving Day was a day that, starting two weeks before it even arrived, I would stress myself about, thinking how hectic things were. There was food shopping to do, cooking and baking, decorations to put out, and there was the house to clean. In the midst of all that, my everyday obligations still had to be fulfilled. Even though it came every year and I always managed to have a nice day, I still worried about how I would ever get everything done.

When I heard the preacher say that God the Father gave His only begotten Son to die on the cross and shed His perfect blood to pay the price for my sins, I was overcome with thankfulness. The great part is that this time I knew Who to thank! Imagine, “God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life” (KJV). You can find that in your Bible in the book of John, chapter 3, verse 16.

I am happy to say that my life, and especially my Thanksgiving Days, have never been the same. I came to realize what was missing in those expressions of thanks. It was God. And without Him, I would not have been blessed with all the people and things that I said I was thankful for.

I still love celebrating Thanksgiving Day. There is nothing more satisfying than sharing the day with those we love and enjoying the time around the table. The Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade is fun to watch, and though I am not a football fan, some of you wouldn’t miss the Cowboys and the Lions play. Some traditions are worth keeping. Thanksgiving Day celebrations are keepers.

May I suggest that we start Thanksgiving Day today and celebrate it every day, keeping in mind to Whom we owe all the thanks. “Thanks be unto God for his unspeakable gift” (2 Cor. 9:15).

We can start a new tradition this Thanksgiving Day by telling those we love just how thankful we are that they are in our lives. They will be so blessed and encouraged to hear your heartfelt words, and you will be blessed for having said them.

Happy Thanksgiving!