Our congregations continually look at issues in the life of our community to which we together as the congregations here in Lycoming County need to respond. Sometimes we are ready to respond with one voice and other times we need to listen to the many voices as we work to discern what God calls us to do.
Ministries that have grown out of this committee include our Shepherd of the Streets and our Food Pantry, the original Interfaith Hospitality Network which is now Family Promise, Habitat (in Lycoming County), the UPMC Chaplaincy Department, Helpline (now 211), the School Breakfast Programs, and Meals on Wheels.
Some of the issues we work on today include:
- Recycling – Ecology – Creation Care
- Poverty – Responding with faith in all areas of our lives
- CROP Walk
- Fuel Bank
- Disaster Response (flooding etc)
- Peace and Justice and Nonviolence
How can you help?
- Support the needs of the Shepherd of the Streets Ministry.
- Support the needs of the Food Pantry.
- Walk in CROP Walk the second Sunday in October and/or sponsor others to walk. CROPWalk.org
- Participate in Bread for the World’s Offering of Letters each year.
- Become plastic foam free or learn more about it.
- Recycle – reuse – repurpose
- Wage peace every day, not war and hatred.
- Be aware of people who are homeless in our community and support programs to help.
- Work to eliminate racism in your life and society.
- Take part in Martin Luther King Day of Service and DREAM Week Events.
- Join with us and others to address issues of poverty.