Working together to develop closer relationships and better understanding is what United Churches is all about. Everything we do is done with the idea the we are encouraging and enabling congregations and individuals to understand and appreciate each other and to make our lives better. We sometimes host a worship services and events, and other times we provide information and encouragement to plan form ministeriums to plan their own, and we publicize things happening throughout our county.
Currently our three major educational focuses for our own planning. They are:
- Suicide Prevention
- Human Trafficking – recognition and prevention
- Drug Prevention Resources especially for youth in congregations
How can you help?
Be an active and supportive part of your own congregation.
Pray for the congregations down the street and across town.
Learn what others believe – not what you or someone else thinks they believe.
Worship with others when you have the opportunity.
Enjoy Attending Ecumenical Events like:
- Wednesday Noon Ecumenical Lunches
- Observe the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity – January 18-25
- Local Ministerium Activities
- Area Workshops and Seminars
- Use the Drug Prevention Curriculum with your youth
Enjoy Learning About Faith Through:
- Religious editorials
- Weekly footsteps to follow
- Monthly Faith Matters
- Podcasts
- Daily Telephone Devotions