A Miracle Any Day Now

By Pastor Velinda Webb-Smith, New Life Wake Up Ministries, Inc., Williamsport

As I listen to a song called “Any Day Now,” a miracle is about to come. If we look through the Bible, Jesus Christ did miracles of God. Why did God want us to see these miracles? God wanted us to know what they teach us: God is!

God does miracles to show us that He has power that no one else has. The principle of miracles is to teach us accountability and repentance, faith and love. Show that you do have faith. Are you really showing love? Jesus showed miracles so that we believe that He is Christ!

What are some of Jesus’ miracles that show He is Christ? The Book of John shows many examples of the spiritual side of Christ Jesus.

Jesus’ first miracle occurred when they needed more wine at a wedding, in John 2:1-11. The new wine was better than the hosts and guests were expecting. Jesus showed that He could do a miracle. Even now, sometimes we need to see what Jesus can do for us.

So many times, we don’t have faith and keep needing a sign. This is the point in John 4:46-54. Jesus’ “second sign” occurred when He told the royal official who had a sick son to go and it would be as he believed. How many times have we needed a sign; He is Christ and can do miracles.

Have you been sitting around waiting, instead of asking? Well, in John 5:1-15, a man sat for years near a pool called Bethesda waiting for a miracle. Jesus asked if this man really wanted to be healed. Jesus told him to just get up! Rise up! Just get your miracle!

Are you hungry? Maybe someone around you needs a meal. The cost of food now is so high. We will need a miracle like in John 6:5-14. Sometimes after hearing a good word, the Spirit has been in you to keep your strength up. You and others in your church or group might need a meal. Jesus fed over 5,000 with a few loaves of bread and a few fish. Wow, what Christ can do with the word of God! What a miracle!

It can be very nice to take a cool shower. It can calm your body and your soul. Just think if you were there with the disciples. What did they feel when they saw Jesus walking on the water: what a miracle. Did John 6:16-24 make you believe in miracles?

Have you ever felt like you couldn’t see? Well, in John 9:1-7, there was a man who couldn’t see. Walking around in this world, we need a miracle, not with our eyes, but with our hearts and minds. We may have no wisdom, no knowledge, and please, no understanding. We need a miracle, today and now!

Have you read Ezekiel chapter 37, the valley of dry bones? In the Old Testament, you can believe that miracles can happen. That chapter prepares you for John 11:1-45 when Jesus brought back Lazarus. Those verses help us believe in miracles today. We can know any day now, or did you forgot about the miracle he did for you?

Life has surprises all around us. Some people don’t want to believe that miracles can happen. God wants us to see that there is nothing impossible; there is nothing God can not do.

Look at yourself. You might be a miracle waiting to happen! Any day now, here comes a miracle. God bless!