Christian Unity prayer Day 5

Week of Prayer for Christian Unity
Day 5
He went to him and bandaged his wounds, having poured oil and wine on them.
(Luke 10:34)

Lord, help us see the wounds and find hope.

Additional scripture passages:
Joel 2:23-27
Psalm 104:14-15, 27-30


The Good Samaritan did what he could out of his own resources: he poured wine and oil and bandaged the man’s wounds and put him on his own animal.  He went further still by promising to pay for his care.  When we see the world through the Samaritan’s eyes, every situation can be an opportunity to help those in need.  This is where love manifests itself.  The example of the Good Samaritan motivates us to ask ourselves how to respond to our neighbor.  He gave wine and oil, restoring the man and giving him hope.  What can we give, so that we can be a part of God’s work of healing a broken world?

This brokenness shows itself in our world in insecurity, fear, distrust, and division.  Shamefully, these divisions also exist between Christians.  Though we celebrate sacraments or other rituals of healing, reconciliation, and consolation, often using oil and wine, we persist in divisions that wound the Body of Christ.  The healing of our Christian divisions promotes the healing of the nations.

Gracious God,
You who are the source of all love and goodness:
enable us to see the needs of our neighbor.
Show us what we can do to bring about healing.
Change us, so that we can love all our brothers and sisters.
Help us to overcome the obstacles of division,
that we might build a world of peace for the common good.
Thank You for renewing Your Creation
and leading us to a future which is full of hope:
You who are Lord of all, yesterday, today, and forever.

Jointly prepared and published by
Dicastery for Promoting Christian Unity
Commission on Faith and Order of the World Council of Churches